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Justice Sunday II: Tearing Down The Wall Between Church And State

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The far right created such controversy with its melding of politics and religion with (In)Justice Sunday that they're doing it again. Justice Sunday II is set for August 14 -- break out your Bibles and your ballots, people! This time, however, they may play it a little smarter and not invite the politicians. As for their agenda? To put all hot-button social issues off the table when it comes to Supreme Court nominees.

"...the new telecast would again say that questions posed by Democrats about a nominee's personal beliefs on abortion and other issues would amount to an unconstitutional "religious test," wrote the New York Times.
Uh, people, those are called "legal" issues, not religious ones. I suppose they'd object to finding out if a Supreme Court nominee opposed desegregation too, since that's a "religious" belief as well.

Their lineup sure is impressive:
Scheduled speakers in the telecast include James C. Dobson, the influential founder of Focus on the Family; former Senator Zell Miller, Democrat of Georgia; Charles W. Colson, the former Watergate figure and the founder of an evangelical group, Prison Fellowship; the veteran Christian conservative organizer Phyllis Schlafly; and William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. Mr. Perkins said the organizers planned to include a Jewish speaker as well.
By my count, that makes it one leader of a nasty fringe group, one nutty politico, a criminal who betrayed his country's trust in one of our greatest scandals and went to jail for it, a woman who opposes women's rights and a fringe Catholic who makes Mel Gibson seem reasonable. And a Jew. I am so there.

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