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Where's Our Deep Throat?

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Numerous accounts of the unmasking of Deep Throat have pointed out one incontrovertible fact -- if he hadn't come forward and fed Woodward and Bernstein info and prodded them along, the Watergate story would probably have died and Nixon's misdeeds might never have come to light.

Here's my question: where the hell is our Deep Throat, someone in the government who will risk their careers by either coming forward publicly or giving hard evidence to respected journalists?

Where is one general, just ONE general who will resign and speak out because they know it goes against everything America stands for to mock the Geneva Convention, risk future mistreatment of American soldiers by our enemies and simply lacks human decency to treat human beings the way we're treating prisoners by shipping them off for torture when we're not doing it ourselves?

Where is one general to resign or at least provide evidence to put the lie to Cheney and Rumsfeld's claims that it is absurd to criticize our treatment of prisoners (most of whom we've acknowledged have no useful intelligence and are basically innocent).

Where is one general to resign and say Bush's mistreatment of the National Guard etc is endangering the future security of our country? That we have and do need more soldiers on the ground in Iraq as suicide bombings and the insurgency grow week by week?

Where is one White House official sickened by Bush's paying off of journalists and calculating manipulation of the media who will slip info to journalists about who planted Jim Guckert/Jeff Gannon in the press room as a stooge to throw softball questions at the president?

Where is one US official who will release the US equivalent of the Downing Street memo that will prove the smoking gun confirming Bush cooked the evidence to back up the invasion of Iraq he'd been planning all along?

What scandal that has dropped of the radar do YOU wish someone in government would have the courage to rekindle?

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