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TIME magazine mentioned our lynching t-shirts too

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This is almost getting funny.

Jun. 27, 2005

LAW DORK and other left-leaning blogs spent last week shaming a few G.O.P. holdouts into joining the majority of Senators in co-sponsoring a resolution that apologized for not passing antilynching legislation decades ago. As the laggards added their names to the resolution, AMERICABLOG removed them from a T shirt it is selling that says, "My Senator went to Washington ... and all I got was a lousy lynching." Among the dozen who declined was Tennessee's Lamar Alexander, who condemned lynching on the floor but refused to co-sponsor the measure, saying, "I prefer to look ahead."
We also got a mention in the Sunday New York Times, and today's Roll Call (THE paper on the Hill) also covered the lynching story in depth, though Roll Call doesn't mention the t's, but that's fine, it's a good article.

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