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Did Howard Stern get censored this morning?

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I'm still trying to get the facts on this one, but am putting this out to the public in case anyone has more info, contacts with Stern's show, etc. In a nutshell, a friend of mine was listening to the show this morning on radio in DC. The conversation turned to discussing a young woman's pregnancy, Howard opined that she should have an abortion, and the show went dead. It was replaced with other programming.

Now, perhaps someting went wrong technically. I don't know. But I'd like to knows if others listened to the same thing happening, and if anyone can get me a contact at Howard's show, phone number for someone, or just get this to him. If they cut him off for being pro-choice, then this is a story - BUT we don't know yet. All we know is the show got cut off. I'd like to know why. Thanks, JOHN

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