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Jesus hates me yes I know, cuz America's Taliban tells me so...

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The really cool part is that the American Family Association is teaming up with Peter LaBarbera of the Illinois Family Institute, a man accused by HateWatch of publishing Holocaust revisionism in his old anti-gay magazine, the Lambda Report (he was publishing articles trying to blame gays for the Holocaust).

Two conservative Christian groups are attacking two prominent businesses for taking a high-profile role in the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago.

The American Family Association of Tupelo, Miss., and the Illinois Family Institute of Glen Ellyn are sharply criticizing Kraft Foods Inc. and Harris Bank for each contributing $25,000 to the athletic competition and now want the companies to take a less visible role by removing logos and banners from the event.

"We don't think this is something a big corporation should get behind," said Peter LaBarbera, executive director of Illinois Family Institute, which says it promotes family values.
Maybe someone in the Chicago media should ask Peter who he thinks was behind the Holocaust?

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