Senator Joseph Biden has joined the New York Times in saying that Guantanamo Bay is a rallying cry for terrorists, does more harm than good and should be "gradually" shut down. Close the prison, Biden says, because
"This has become the greatest propaganda tool that exists for recruiting of terrorists around the world. And it is unnecessary to be in that position."
Fair enough. But how about shutting down the prison because even the military admits a majority of the prisoners are either innocent or low-level members with no remotely valuable intelligence? How about shutting down the prison because it is incapable of being run as Bush claims he wants it to be? How about shutting down the prison because it offends the sensibilities of decent people everywhere? How about shutting it down because its draconian, Kafka-esque environment (even prisoners we know are innocent can't be released because we've treated them so poorly that if they weren't terrorists before, we're certain they will be now) goes against everything the United States stands for?
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Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Guantanamo Bay Has Got To Go
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