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The Choker raising money for GOP members

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John posted yesterday, via Atrios, Congressman Choker, aka Don Sherwood, is getting sued. That great symbol of family values has been out there rasing money for the House Republicans.

From Joel Connelly's column in Wednesday's Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Was He Gathering Evidence? Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., cruised to Congress last year on his reputation as the sheriff who caught the Green River Killer, a mass murderer of women.

On June 9, Reichert was feted at a Washington, D.C., fund-raiser hosted by the Don P PAC of Rep. Don Sherwood, R-Pa.

The choice of host was curious. A 29-year-old woman, described by Sherwood as a "casual acquaintance," recently accused Sherwood of trying to choke her in his D.C. apartment. She called 911. Sherwood, 64, told police he was giving Cynthia Ore a backrub when she "jumped up" and ran for the bathroom.
Sherwood heads the vital "Incumbent Retention Committtee" for the National Republican Congressional Committee. Great role model:
“We don’t see him as a vulnerable member,” said Caryn Alagno of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “He’s been in office a long time, and he’s got a solid record in his district.”

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