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NY Times puff piece on the loving Cheney family

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Christ, not bad enough that Jim West was on the Today Show. The Times has a total puff piece on the "loving" Cheney family.

But, New York question....funny thing that kinda contradicts the whole "loving" family facade you construct. It's in your photo with the article...the one from the Republican Convention last August. Here's a hint: who is missing from your Cheney family photo?

Since it wasn't obvious in the puff piece, we'll spell it out: the lesbian and her partner are missing. There was an oblique reference to that in the article, "She and her longtime partner, Heather Poe, sometimes did not appear at big celebratory moments." Why was that? Maybe because the GOP base had been whipped in to a gay-bashing frenzy by the Bush-Cheney-RNC team?

But in case you had any doubts about Mary willingness to join in on that GOP gay-bashing agenda, we get confirmation from another GOP team member, Kenny:

Ken Mehlman, who was Mr. Bush's campaign manager last year, said Mary Cheney's influence had also extended well beyond working with her father. "She also understands and weighed in on almost everything we did in the room when we were planning our message, our surrogates, our travel schedule," he said.
So Mary was in on the whole strategy. Despite all her years as a professional lesbian, Mary joined the gay-bashing. In today's suck up story, that's kinda glossed over. Although they did note, Mary
drew sharp fire from many gay rights advocates for declining in last year's campaign to address contentious topics like same-sex marriage (or Mr. Bush's support for a constitutional amendment to ban it, which her parents opposed).
Sounds like she not only didn't address those issues, she helped craft the strategy. To think that people questioned John Aravosis when he launched last year. Leave her alone, they said. Not fair, they whined. She was intent on destroying our rights....she's a major hypocrite, too.

And she thinks we're going to buy her book. Ha.

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