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Bush does a presser: I am not a lame-duck...I have a mandate

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This morning, the Washington Post did an analysis that said Chimpy didn't have a mandate anymore (some would say ever):

Two days after winning reelection last fall, President Bush declared that he had earned plenty of "political capital, and now I intend to spend it." Six months later, according to Republicans and Democrats alike, his bank account has been significantly drained.

In the past week alone, the Republican-led House defied his veto threat and passed legislation promoting stem cell research; Senate Democrats blocked confirmation, at least temporarily, of his choice for U.N. ambassador; and a rump group of GOP senators abandoned the president in his battle to win floor votes for all of his judicial nominees.

With his approval ratings in public opinion polls at the lowest level of his presidency, Bush has been stymied so far in his campaign to restructure Social Security. On the international front, violence has surged again in Iraq in recent weeks, dispelling much of the optimism generated by the purple-stained-finger elections back in January, while allies such as Egypt and Uzbekistan have complicated his campaign to spread democracy.
So, this morning, Bush did a press conference to let us know he's not a lame-duck. More on that in a bit as we sort through to see if he said anything that was either true or relevant. Unlikely, I know. Sounded like the same blah, blah, blah to me.

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