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GOP drafting a bill for UN reform

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I have many issues with the UN and think they can blow money as well as any organisation out there but the GOP wants to selectively decide which projects will receive their money because of waste and criticism of US policy. So is this going to mean that Americans who think that the war is rubbish can tell the US government that they are not going to give tax money for programs that they don't believe in? Heck, we've all seen a lot of waste in Iraq not to mention the energy bill which is going to shower the petroleum industry with taxpayer corporate welfare so maybe we can all just say no to that as well.

And the proposal to remove countries from the Human Rights commission who are human rights abusers? I guess this means the US is going to get thrown off the the list with recent events at Gitmo, Afghanistan, Iraq not to mention turning over prisoners to "friendly" nations who use torture. What brillant people thought up this stuff? Galloway may be flakey but how right he was when he told Coleman that his ideas are not quite so popular outside of Washington.

One of these days the wingnuts are also going to figure out how to add up a few numbers as well and understand that the EU member states contribute more money to the UN than the US so quit flogging that stupid pitch about the US being the largest contributor. The EU is about 5% more of the budget.

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