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Condi in Iraq

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Condi dropped in to Iraq today...AP has the story:

Rice flew to Baghdad to meet with the senior leadership of Iraq's newly elected government to offer support and ask how the United States can be most useful, she said. Before those sessions, however, Rice addressed a gathering of uniformed troops and U.S. embassy employees in the fortified Green Zone.

"We are so grateful that there are Americans willing to sacrifice so the Middle East will be whole, and free and democratic and at peace," she told several hundred people packed into a former Republican Palace that is now part of the U.S. Embassy complex.
Wait. You're just trying to figure out now how the U.S. can help? And, yeah, isn't it just wonderful to know that you are grateful for all the sacrifice. Do you even know how many families have made the ultimate sacrifice because of your lies?

Shameless liars.

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