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UNC profs fighting the wingnuts

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The University of North Carolina is in negotiations with the John William Pope Center to receive funding for the creation of classes on Western Civilization. Huh? Like we are not already western-centric enough? Even with all of the classes taught in our universities about world cultures we still are so incredibly focused on the west and our own self-importance. Think about it. Columbus discovered the New World. How did he "discover" a bloody continent that was already inhabited by millions of people? How much do most of us know about the Arabs and their work in math and astronomy? Name the country that holds the record for being the most heavily bombed per capita and who bombed them? What about China and India? Are we really being saturated with information about their cultures and histories in school?

Burrying our collective heads in the sand and ignoring the outside world is not going to somehow make the world a better or safer place. If most Americans were fully aware of the actual impact of their own foreign policy, we probably would have a much different foreign policy.

If people do not support the UNC profs, look for another victory by the wingnuts and another step back into the dark ages. Public universities have lost a lot of funding in recent years so administrators have to whore around for money but this is certainly a new low.

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