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Mehlman asks pro-choice not-so-anti-gay woman to be his co-chair at RNC

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Gee, so we have an ambiguously-gay man running the Republican party, and his co-chair is a pro-choice woman who refused to speeak out in favor of her state's anti-gay constitutional amendment. Hey, fundies, you're screwed. Bush isn't one of you. He doesn't even like you. You're the crazy aunt in the attic that gets a little crumb when you kick the floorboards enough, but when push comes to shove, he thinks you're an embarrassment and a detriment to the GOP. That's why an ambiguously-gay man and his pro-choice seemingly not-so-anti-gay woman co-chair are running the party. They suck up to you when they need your votes, but face it - the pro-choicers and the fags have infiltrated the party and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, short of a purge.

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