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Rumsfeld using machine to sign "your child is dead" letters

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Why does this matter? Because it's apparently been the traditional job of the Secretary of Defense to hand-sign the letters that go out to the family notifying them of their child's or spouse's death. In Rumsfeld's case, it seems that he didn't want to do it, so he's using an auto-signing machine to sign the letters on his behalf. No wonder he's so out of touch. I suppose signing three letters a day would bring the cost of the war home to the SecDef.

Yet another issue the Dems in Congress should jump on. Offer up an amendment and/or legislation requiring the SecDef to personally sign any letters to family members announcing the death of loved ones in battle. Imagine how that would go over. And how could the Rs oppose? It's not only a good political move, but it's the right thing to do. These families deserve better.

Funny, I thought it was the Republicans who cared about our troops? Oh that's right, only when the troops are ALIVE.

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