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Bush's Hispanic Affirmative Action

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It would have been nice if the Bushies had at least PRETENDED they appointed two Latinos to the Cabinet BASED ON THEIR SKILLS, rather than simply as a crass political ploy to win Latino votes. And who says Republicans are opposed to affirmative action? Apparently, affirmative action is fine, provided the person benefiting form it is already rich.

At some point, wouldn't it be neat if Bush actually picked a Cabinet based on their abilities? But hey, what's a little war and economic mayhem when there are votes too woo.

From the Wash Post (you need to scroll down once you hit the link):

President Bush is trying to capitalize on election gains among Hispanic voters by tapping two key minorities for top Cabinet posts, according to two Republicans close to the White House. But it is unclear how big Bush's gain was.

After November's election, Bush moved quickly to name Alberto R. Gonzales, a Mexican American, as attorney general and Carlos M. Gutierrez, a Cuban American, as commerce secretary, citing their vast experience and expertise. A top GOP official close to the White House said both picks were designed to pack a political punch, too.

"Clearly, this is a play to institutionalize the gains in the Hispanic community," said this Republican, who requested anonymity. Republicans hope the appointments, coupled with a new push to change immigration laws to benefit some Hispanics, will help Republicans attract greater support in 2008.
Neat how Bush is willing to weaken our immigration laws simply as a way to get votes too. Don't worry about the merits of the pros and cons on immigration. Just pass laws that help you win votes. To hell with whether it's good or bad for the country.

I have no idea if the proposals are good or bad, I haven't looked at them closely enough, but wouldn't it be nice if Bush actually looked at how the laws would benefit or hurt the nation, rather than simply trying to suck up votes?)

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