Kerry Leads in Six 2000 Blue States (IA, MI, MN, NM, PA, WI);
Bush Leads in Three 2000 Red States (CO, NV, OH);
Florida a Dead Heat at 48%,
New Reuters/Zogby Ten States Battleground Poll Reveals
With the nation's first ballots set to be cast just hours from now, Zogby International's latest ten-state battleground poll shows a dead-heat in Florida, with Democrat John Kerry leading in the battleground states Vice President Gore took in 2000—and President Bush leading in the battlegrounds he captured that year. The telephone polls of approximately 600 likely voters per state were conducted from Thursday through Sunday (October 28-31, 2004). The margin of error is +/- 4.1 percentage points.
CO Bush +2
FL Tied
IA Kerry +5
MI Kerry +6
MN Kerry +6
NM Kerry +3
NV Bush +5
OH Bush +6
PA Kerry +4
WI Kerry +6
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