Where was the Cheney family outrage when the Republican National Committee recently launched a series of gay-baiting mailings to southern states? (See picture below.) Didn't hear boo out of Dick, Lynne or Mary when their own party mass-mailed anti-gay "get out the vote" messages to their bigoted base. But when a Democrat PRAISES a gay person, that's when the Cheneys attack. Then again, we haven't heard squat out of the Cheneys for the past four years of gay-bashing that's come out of Mr. Cheney's administration. So why be surprised by their rank hypocrisy now? This family was always ready to throw gays to the dogs for the greater good of the GOP. Big surprise they're using their own daughter one last time to weep some crocodile tears in order to help a homophobe get re-elected.
And another thing. Why was it okay for President Bush to invoke the name of Teresa Heinz last night, but wrong for John Kerry to mention Mary? Is mentioning the opponent's wife okay in a debate but not their daughter? Or is it simply wrong to mention that the daughter is [gay]?
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Where was the Cheney family outrage when the RNC attacked gays a month ago?
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