Paul Krugman does a nice roundup about some of the Republican dirty tricks to disenfranchise voters. Of course, these are just the ones we know about. He also previews an upcoming Harper's article about those Florida felon lists.
"The case of Florida's felon list - used by state officials, as in 2000, to try to wrongly disenfranchise thousands of blacks - has been widely reported. Less widely reported has been overwhelming evidence that the errors were deliberate.
"In an article coming next week in Harper's, Greg Palast, who originally reported the story of the 2000 felon list, reveals that few of those wrongly purged from the voting rolls in 2000 are back on the voter lists. State officials have imposed Kafkaesque hurdles for voters trying to get back on the rolls. Depending on the county, those attempting to get their votes back have been required to seek clemency for crimes committed by others, or to go through quasi-judicial proceedings to prove that they are not felons with similar names."
For heaven's sake, deluge your favorite media outlet and ask them to look into this pattern of deception and report on it. Anyone with info about Democratic organizations doing anything even remotely similar, bring it on. We'll gladly blast them too. But guess what? The history of the Democratic Party is trying to HELP people vote (women, blacks, immigrants), not KEEPING them from voting the way the Republicans have always done.
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All's Fair In Love and Politics...Actually, It's Not
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