They're probably annoyed it's coming out, but Bush officials would love to reward Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez with a fourth star, says the LA Times. Sanchez was in charge during the Abu Ghraib scandal -- not to mention when insurgents seized control of a number of Iraqi cities. Amazing. According to a classified report about the scandal (for which only low-level soldiers are paying a price)
"The general personally approved some of the controversial interrogation tactics that have been criticized as abusive to prisoners, according to classified portions of a recent report to Congress by Army Maj. Gen. George R. Fay, obtained by The Times. A year ago, Sanchez changed the interrogation policy three times in less than 30 days, confusing interrogators as to what was permissible, Fay wrote. Fay said Sanchez adapted interrogation rules from those at Guantanamo where, unlike in Iraq, the administration did not grant detainees the rights of prisoners of war under the Geneva Convention.
"Sanchez "authorized the use of techniques that were contrary to both U.S. military manuals and international law," Leahy said in an Oct. 1 statement. "Given this incredible overstepping of bounds, I find it incredible that the reports generated thus far have not recommended punishment of any kind for high-level officials.""
Among those determined to get Sanchez that fourth star? Our buddy Rumsfeld. Of course, they'll wait till after the election since they know those bleeding heart liberals would make a fuss. Talk about no accountability.
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