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Wedding day in Massachusetts: 'It's history'

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Never thought I'd see the day in my lifetime.

This makes it infinitely harder for Bush and the religious right to pass a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and even for them to pass such an amendment in Massachusetts. Any politician who now supports overruling Massachusetts would be voting in favor of nullifying already-existing marriages, many of those being married couples that have children. This is a not unimportant issue for Mr. Kerry, who to date has claimed, confusingly, that he opposes a federal amendment but supports a state amendment in Massachusetts. That now puts Mr. Kerry on the side of those who would nullify scores of legal already-existing marriages. That position would be very sad coming from a man whom many of us hope will be the next president of the United States.

In Cambridge, Margaret Drury, the city clerk, told a lesbian couple at 9:15 a.m., 'I now pronounce you married under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.' - International Herald Tribune

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