Coming as this article does from one of the top religious right hate groups, the Concerned Women for America, it's more than just another kooky article from America's Taliban. This is the way these people think. Everything that goes wrong in the world is to blamed on everyone who isn't a far-right intolerant wingnut. Everyone.
This time around we learn that the gays and the feminists, apparently not yet pooped out after having caused 9/11 (per Falwell and Robertson), have now teamed up, per the article, with pornographers, Howard Stern, AIDS education, hate crimes laws, and the Bill of Rights to somehow magically make our soldiers torture Iraqi prisoners. Uh huh.
I think this is what you call a "we're panicking because we're so irrelevant and roundly reviled" article. (Thanks to reader Laura for sending this my way.)
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Religious right blames gays, women in military, Howard Stern for Iraqi prison abuse scandal
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