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Study: Bush drops ball on controlling terrorist nukes

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A new Harvard study, funded by conservative defense hawk Sam Nunn's non-profit think thank, says the Bush administration has given only lip service to actually controlling the spread of nuclear weapons to terrorists. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Then vote these bozos out.

Washington Post:

"What's missing is a sense of urgency," said former senator Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), who heads the nonprofit Nuclear Threat Initiative, which funded the 111-page study. Nunn believes President Bush must focus on removing bureaucratic hurdles and work more pointedly with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"If one of the great cities of the world goes up in smoke, and you look back on these obstacles, it will make our retroactive rear-view mirror look at September 11th look like a waltz," Nunn said yesterday in an interview. "It would be so obvious that the obstacles should have been overcome by the presidents." ....

The administration on average has requested less money to control nuclear materials and technology than was sought in the final Clinton administration budget, adjusted for inflation.

Although 16 percent more money has been spent than if the Clinton numbers had continued, 'essentially all' of the increase was injected by congressional initiative, write [study authors] Bunn and Wier, who reviewed federal spending on nonproliferation as an analyst at the Office of Management and Budget.

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