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50,000 Christians to secede from US if gay marriage spreads

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I'll send ten bucks to help. And I'll double it to twenty if they take 100,000. is researching three candidate states: Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. These states were chosen because of their relatively small populations, their coastal access and their Christian-conservative citizenry. In addition, each of these states possesses a rich history of standing up for its rights. Our board of directors considers the values of these three states to be very similar to the values held by our membership.

The Commitment Levels
Three different commitment levels are offered to our members, because recognizes the current uncertainty surrounding the issue of gay marriage. Additionally, many people are at different levels of discontent with our current situation. Therefore, we primarily desire to accumulate 50,000 members committed to immediate independence (Commitment Level 1).

However, it is evident that the forceful implementation of gay marriage will devastate our nation beyond repair and many Christians will join our ranks at that time. Commitment Level 2 is offered for just this reason.

Lastly, many people will find it impossible to move, and is uncertain as to what extent Christians will rise up after gay marriage is legalized against their will. It is possible that a cry will go up from all over the Bible Belt and many different states will call for dissolution of the Union. In this case, we want to have built a large registry of voters committed to independence for their own states. Commitment Level 3 allows members to send a direct message to their state legislators BEFORE gay marriage becomes a reality in their state.
I love that their "candidate states" include Alabama and Mississippi. No great coincidence that these are two of the worst civil rights abusing states in history. Also interesting that a lot of these Christian wackos are the same people who want to put fences up around the US borders to keep those darn foreigners out. Does that mean we can put fences up around Alabama and Mississippi once they secede? Please?

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