Two points to the National Stonewall Democrats for getting an entire copy of the letter the North Carolina Republican party wrote to a gay Republican group, saying that gay Republicans aren't welcome in the party. Our favorite part:
The majority of the content of your website advocates special rights and privileges for homosexuals. It openly opposes President Bush's call for a constitutional amendment to protect the sanctity of marriage as being the union between one man and one woman. Most of the press releases, news and views concentrate more on what your organization seems to think is wrong with the Republican Party than what is right with it. I could not find any positive words about the presumptive Presidential nominee of our party.Oh yeah, that's some good summer reading. So the Republican party believes that homosexuality is "not normal." Really now? Wonder if anyone checked in with future PFLAG-dad VP Cheney about that. I mean, sure, homosexual REPUBLICANS who would want to be in a party with such bigots are not normal, but that's another story... ;-)
The North Carolina Republican Party has adopted the following portions in its platform:
Republicans believe that a two-parent family, where a husband and wife live in harmony in one home, provides the ideal environment for raising children and is the best model for family life. We praise the courageous efforts of single parents who work hard to provide stable homes, and we recognize that single parents often succeed and two-parent families sometimes fail. We, therefore, oppose efforts to redefine the traditional family structure and offer the Republican Party as a refuge fore everyone concerned with about the breakdown of family life in America.
We believe that homosexuality is not normal and should not be established as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle either in public education or in public policy. We do not believe that public schools should be used to teach children that homosexuality is normal, and we do not believe that taxpayers should fund benefit plans for unmarried partners. We oppose special treatment by law based on nothing other than homosexual behavior or identity. We therefore oppose actions, such as “marriage” or the adoption of children by same-sex couples, which attempt to legitimize and normalize homosexual relationships. We support the Defense of Marriage Act. We also stand united with private organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, who defend moral decency and freedom according to their own long-held and well-established traditions and beliefs.
Read the rest of the letter here.