For those of you who have been following along, thanks for reading.
Posts in the Climate Catastrophe series
- Hugging the monster: Climate scientists and the C-word
- What is "climate catastrophe"?
- Your Climate Crisis elevator speech — Addresses one prong of the five-pronged approach (below), "unconfuse the people."
- McKibben's Three Numbers—Measuring the march toward climate catastrophe
- Illustrating global warming—What does "a 2°C increase" refer to?
- Hansen on 3°C: Quarter to half of species on earth may die from global warming
- We're on track for up to 7°C (12½°F) temperature rise by 2100
- IEA Director: Temps to increase 11°F by 2100; "That’s basically Miami Beach in Boston"
- How did James Hansen's 1981 global warming predictions work out?
- Koch-funded climate denier reverses: "Humans almost entirely the cause" of global warming
- Climate report: "Almost no chance" of less than 3½°F (2°C) rise; 50-50 chance of 5½°F (3°C); headed for 9°F
- Thoughts on climate crisis speed — My personal climate model [NEW]
- The epic heat wave: "Of course it's about climate change"
- Radical decline in Arctic ice "at least 70 percent" man-made
- New satellite data: Arctic ocean losing 50% more summer ice than predicted
- "We're in a planetary emergency" thanks to Arctic ice melt and Greenland permafrost [NEW]
- McKibben 2—Climate strategies that don't work
- Who is the enemy leading us to climate catastrophe? (plus reflections on the nature of corporations)
- McKibben 3—Is Carbon Tax the answer to climate catastrophe?
- Why all of the current "solutions" deepen the crisis
- U.S. says drop the "2°C guarantee" from the global warming deal, calls for "flexibility"
- Solving the climate crisis — Picking goals, targets and tactics — Introduces the five-pronged approach to a solution
- Solving the climate crisis — Goals, targets and tactics (a summary) — Introduces the five-pronged approach to a solution in summary form
- Solving the climate crisis — How to paint the possible futures — Addresses one prong of the five-pronged approach, "unconfuse the people."
- A modest proposal for dealing with climate denial "scientists" — Part of a longer post on dealing with political operatives as operatives
- "Niallism" — This is what defrocking an academic looks like (climate scientists, take note) — A "defrocking the false academic" example
Writing and interviews referenced
The following lists major writing referenced in this series (do click; all are data-rich).
The Copenhagen Diagnosis document (below) was prepared ahead of the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference, which affirmed the 2°C (3½°F) "ceiling" then adjourned with no action.
- James Hansen, Makiko Sato, Reto Ruedy, 2012: "Perceptions of Climate Change: The New Climate Dice" (pdf)
- Bill McKibben, Rolling Stone, 2012: "Global Warming's Terrifying New Math"
- Twenty-six authors, 2009: The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science
(high-res pdf) (low-res pdf) (website)
- Dr. Michael Mann with Thom Hartmann (plus my comments)
- Michael Mann with Tom Levenson on Virtually Speaking Science (audio)
- "Who are the climate criminals?" — Mike Papantonio with yours truly on Ring of Fire Radio
- Naomi Klein with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now discussing the political implications of addressing the global warming crisis (and discussed at length in this post)
To follow or send links: @Gaius_Publius