UPDATE: A complete list of climate series pieces is available here:
The Climate series: a reference post.
In case you're interested, you can listen to me and guest host Mike Papantonio talking about climate catastrophe and who's really responsible on this Friday's Thom Hartmann radio show.
The show airs live at 3:00 pm EST. The climate segment is scheduled for 3:30 EST.
The Thom Hartmann radio link is here. The listen-locally link is here. It looks like there's an outlet in almost every state (and several countries).
In the Washington D.C. area, you can listen and also support an excellent local progressive radio station, WPWC-AM We Act Radio 1480. Click the link to learn more about WeActRadio.com; they're something special.
By the way, Mike Papantonio is one of the people I wrote about here as someone who really gets it on climate. Thanks, Mike.
To follow or send links: @Gaius_Publius
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