This false equivalency, that the media has to always hide behind, lest they admit that one side tends to lie more than the other, is annoying.
Why must we believe that "everyone does it," and "everyone does it the same amount"? Even the NYT fact checker, when pushed to find an example of "Obama doing it," found a seemingly factual statement from the President that was misleading - meaning, he was right about Romney having supported a draconian anti-abortion bill, but Romney now is slightly less bad. But in the Republican case, they just make stuff up.
Why must we believe that "everyone does it," and "everyone does it the same amount"?
The Republicans dedicated their entire convention to the "We built it" lie, a quote they took out of context in order to manipulate it into saying something the President never said. Funny, but I watched most of the GOP convention and I don't recall anyone in the media every mentioning that fact when the various speakers got up and spouted the "and I built it" lie to thunderous applause.
If the Democrats devote their entire convention to the notion that Mitt Romney is a pedophile, then yes, maybe we'll be even. In fact, the theme of the Democratic convention is "Americans coming together." Quite a difference in tone, and honesty. Funny the NYT fact-checker didn't bother mentioning that.
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