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Catholic cardinal to give benediction at his church's convention (that'd be the GOP)

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Like this is new. The Catholic church hopped in bed with the Republicans long ago.  I'm surprised we haven't yet heard of them cutting off communion to Democratic lawmakers - election year is their usual cue to try to swing the election to the Republicans.  It's like they don't even try anymore to pretend they're non-partisan, let alone simply an appendage of the Republican party (the religious equivalent of Fox News - all spin, little truth).

We always joke about how the Republican party would freak out if Jesus "that socialist hippy" actually came back.  But I'm starting to wonder if the reaction from the Catholic church, or their buddies in the religious right, would be any different.  Because last time I checked, Jesus never took hostages.

He never turned a blind eye to the rape of children either.

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