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GOP Congressman when asked if he will support minimum wage increase: "Get a job"
Asking for a bottom of the barrel living wage is asking for too much for GOP Rep. Bill Young. He can't even understand the conversation when his constituent explains that yes, he does have a job. The Congressman who loves shoveling over pork to the businesses that hire his family as well as the defense contractors that donate heavily to his business may not appreciate how little $10 per hour is in 2012. He's all for secrecy in Washington and consistently against the transparency that Americans want in the modern era.
On the other hand, Rep. Young doesn't understand the working world since he's been a career politician, where government healthcare and many other perks still survive. Those juicy jobs perks haven't existed in decades for everyone else, but when you spend most of your life in Washington, DC suckling on the teat of taxpayer money, it's not easy to understand that the world has passed by and is no longer the 1950s.
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