The series is called "Five Questions". I asked the same four questions of each respondent and tailored a fifth question to the person I was speaking with.
Except for my own performance, I like the way this turned out. I certainly like the intelligence and diversity of responses, and very much appreciate the time and care each person took to answer.
Marcy was especially interesting. I found her point about the "end of nation-states" oddly synchronistic, considering the about-to-be-leaked TPP trade deal document. (You can read about that here; the TPP trade deal is pretty frightening and needs to be stopped.)
The five questions are:
- Are we still in a time of pendulum swings in American history, or are we approaching a period in which things could change permanently?
- How should progressives think of Democrats — as "we" or "they"?
- What should progressive office-holders do differently to get a different, more progressive outcome (i.e., more progressive laws and policies)?
- What American future do you see as most likely, even if the likelihood is only marginally more likely than others?
- A question tailored to the interviewee.
We took a few minutes to chat prior to the appearance of Paul Krugman, Richard Trumka, Erica Payne and others for an on-stage discussion in the main hall. The Krugman video is here, if you wish to view it.
Five Questions: Marcy Wheeler with Gaius Publius, recorded at Netroots Nation 2012. Enjoy:
The full list of "Five Questions" interviews includes the following. Links to names will take you to previously-published interviews.
- Alan Grayson, former (and perhaps future) U.S. Congressman
- Marcy Wheeler, of
- Cliff Schecter, who comments regularly with Sam Seder at among many other places
- Tom Tomorrow, cartoonist with DailyKos and This Modern World
- Alex Lawson of
- Josh Orton, with Russ Feingold's Progressives United
- Frances Causey, producer–director of Heist, the documentary
- Chris Pearson, a Progressive Party Vermont state legislator
- Susan Smith, Progressive Caucus chair of the Florida Democratic Party
- Sarah Burris, labor activist and progressive youth organizer
(If you have trouble with this audio, please let me know in the comments and I'll address it as quickly as I can. Thanks.)
To follow or send links: @Gaius_Publius