Romney certainly has a good story to tell about knowing how to manage a business, spotting opportunities and understanding high finance. But if he is to continue to make claims about job creation, the Romney campaign needs to provide a real accounting of how many jobs were gained or lost through Bain Capital investments while the firm managed these companies — and while Romney was chief executive. Any jobs counted after either of those data points simply do not pass the laugh test.The Mormons have a thing called "Lying for the Lord." It's a tenet of the church that basically permits you to lie, encourages you to lie, if you're doing it for the Lord. Feel free to define "the Lord" loosely. Is this influencing Romney's thinking on all the lies he's telling of late, from his ever-changing position on gay rights, to the auto bailout, or his preposterous claim to have created 100,000 jobs?
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Wash Post fact-checker: Romney claim to have created 100k job does "not pass the laugh test"
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