This is rather fascinating. Tony Perkins, the head of the religious right's Family Research Council, is bemoaning the fact that the GOP, in an effort to rebrand itself as kinder and gentler, is ignoring far-right social issues. The thing? Perkins himself ignores a far-right social issue in his complaint. He doesn't mention gays once.
Sure, Perkins mentions abortion. And he throws in the perfunctory claim that the Republicans lost the last two elections because they weren't conservative enough. (Whatever.) But the one thing Perkins doesn't throw in is any mention of gay rights. This, on the heels of a virtual tidal wave of gay marriage victories in the states - an issue that Perkins, and his brethren, claimed would bring the end of times. Now, not so much.
The irony of course is that Perkins ends up proving the GOP's point. Namely, that some social issues are better left by the wayside if the Republicans want any chance of coming back to power, or even having more than 20% of the population on their side, any time soon.
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Tony Perkins forgets to mention the gays
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