The Wall Street Journal looked at the Don't Ask, Don't Tell issue today through the case of Major Margaret Witt. The Obama administration didn't appeal Witt's win in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which was a good sign. But, the Obama administration is going to keep defending the law at the District Court level, which isn't good. John explained the mixed signals we've all been seeing from the Obama White House:
Some advocates for gay rights say they are becoming frustrated with what they see as mixed messages on the law on gays in the military. "This is a positive step but it's in the middle of a slew of negative steps so we're not really sure what's going on," said John Aravosis, an advocate who blogs on the issue.Someone over at the White House needs to figure out that this isn't 1993. It's 2009 and the LGBT community is much more energized than ever before. That whole Prop. 8 experience made us realize that rights can be taken away. I'm starting to get the sense that gay Americans are viewing their rights the way gun owners do. That's the level of intensity we need. And, that's something our allies in the White House don't quite get.
Mr. Aravosis said he is concerned that the White House Web site section on civil rights was recently edited and some of Mr. Obama's promises to the gay and lesbian community were no longer listed, including his promise to repeal the don't ask, don't tell policy. After complaints, a reference to the military policy was restored.
This quote is particularly disturbing:
White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said the president remains committed to repealing the law "in a sensible way that strengthens our armed forces and our national security" but added: "Until Congress passes legislation repealing the law, the administration will continue to defend the statute when it is challenged in the justice system."If you listen to the language of the Obama administration, "sensible" and "sustainable" are the code words for not acting on the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Mushy words. But the bigger question is: Why defend a law that the President wants to repeal?
Is this defense of laws with which Obama disagrees consistent across all policy areas, or just gay issues? An administration doesn't have to defend a law with which it doesn't agree or thinks is unconstitutional. Hell, Bush didn't even follow laws that he disagreed with.
There's a case in the pipeline on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) already, which challenges Section 3 of that law. The lawsuit, Gill, et al. v. Office of Personnel Management, et al., was filed in March. The head of the Office of Personnel Management is gay, coincidentally. Will the Obama administration defend DOMA in court, too? Will the gay head of OPM defend DOMA?
If the White House thinks signing the hate crimes bill is enough, which it appears they may do soon, they're wrong. And, a beautiful proclamation about gay pride won't cut it either. The times have changed and the President and his people need to catch up -- fast.