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The "New" GOP: “people learn more from listening to Rush Limbaugh than they do in high school or college.”

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Today was the first day for the new saviors of the GOP to show their stuff:

Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and rising star Rep. Eric Cantor (Va.) explained their vision for reviving the GOP to a mostly young crowd that packed into a pizza restaurant on Saturday morning.

The leaders said the purpose of the session was to find out first-hand the pressing concerns of voters around the country and to discover solutions that rely on free-market principles and individual responsibility.
But, the new GOP sounds a lot like the old GOP:
The leaders received positive feedback from the crowd, which included reporters, Republican aides and their friends, but not many new ideas.

On the subject of education, one attendee declared that “people learn more from listening to Rush Limbaugh than they do in high school or college.”
It always come back to Rush.

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