Simple answer. YES:
We meant to ask this question earlier, but have we in the media blown the conservative criticism over Obama’s upcoming address at Notre Dame out of proportion? Consider this Pew poll from last week: By nearly a 2-to-1 margin (50%-28%), American Catholics agree with Notre Dame inviting Obama to speak there. Also, by 47%-33%, white Catholics agree with Notre Dame inviting the president. The only subgroup who disagrees: white Catholics who attend church weekly. By a 45%-37% margin, those folks disagree with the school’s invitation. So, according to this poll, the criticism is coming from a minority -- albeit a very vocal one.A very vocal minority once again garners the attention of the traditional media. The Pew poll confirms, once again, that most Catholics really don't care what their bishops think. Seriously. Also, very few, if any, Catholics care what that raging racist, gay-obsessed Bill Donohue thinks.