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Greed won in the Senate yesterday. It's time the Senate let the economy work for everyone again, not just the bailed out banks.

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Greed won in the U.S. Senate yesterday. By a 51 - 45 vote margin, the Senate rejected a bill that would have let bankruptcy judges adjust mortgages. See, the GOP-led Congress spent years making sure the banking industry got tougher bankruptcy laws instead of monitoring the banking industry. That bill passed in 2005 and the consumers got screwed then. Yesterday, the Democratic-led Senate let the bankers win. All the Republicans voted with the bankers as did twelve Democrats: Max Baucus (MT), Michael Bennet (CO), Robert Byrd (WV), Byron Dorgan (ND), Tim Johnson (SD), Mary Landrieu (LA), Blanche Lincoln (AR), Ben Nelson (NE), Mark Pryor (AR), Arlen Specter (PA), Jon Tester (MT) and Tom Carper (DE). Since 2005, when the bankruptcy bill passed and yesterday, the financial services industry pretty much destroyed the economy. So, yeah, keep giving the bankers what they want. And, if you have any doubt that bankers are happy, watch this.

Greed is a powerful force. It won yesterday in the Senate. But, greed can't always win.

The Democrats have to deliver for working men and women by passing the Employee Free Choice Act. Check out this new ad from American Rights at Work:

Powerful ad -- and true. Arlen Specter may think he's got a free ride in the Democratic primary, but he's not voting like a Democrat. He better start. SEIU told its Pennsylvania members the jury is still out. Democrats have to bust the filibuster on the Employee Free Choice Act. That's the key vote.

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