Gay tendencies? What the hell does that mean?
"I don't think a person who acknowledges that they have gay tendencies is disqualified per se for the job,” Sessions tells Mark Halperin on Morning Joe.So a few sex acts are okay, but there's some point at which conservative GOP Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama, of course) draws the line. Is it the type of sex act, or just the frequency or overall tally? Or maybe he means he won't oppose a nominee who matches his socks and his ties.
Seriously, though, it's another sign that the GOP is running scared. When a conservative family values southern Republican with a racially-tinged past like Jeff Sessions is suddenly open to a nominee with gay tendencies, whatever the hell that means, it's progress. Sessions doesn't mean it, of course. He'd most certainly torpedo a gay nominee. But still, he doesn't think it's acceptable to admit it. And that is progress.