Now I've seen everything. A gay rights issue - let alone, gay marriage - is now a potential political liability for Republicans, and a potential opportunity for Democrats.
And this, coming from AP's Liz "the Donut" Sidoti, of all people.
Sidoti does a good job recapping where things stand in the gay marriage battle, and why the issue is a growing problem for Republicans. Who'd have ever imagined. Of course the larger issue is that social issues, and the brain trust behind them - the religious right - are the true problem that Republicans face. Frankenstein has savaged the land and the party for going on three decades, and the villagers have finally had just about enough. You're seeing this in opinion polls turning away from the GOP and extremist issues like opposition to gay marriage, and in the growing outspokenness of Republicans who are finally willing to take the conservative wing of their party on publicly.
Up until this year, it was dogma that "Republican" equaled "conservative." Now, that "given" is finally being challenged. And the irony is that gay marriage is the barometer, and the metaphor, for the Republicans' demise.
Do we live in a great country or what?
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AP: Gay marriage an "opportunity" for Dems, problem for Republicans
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gay marriage,
GOP civil war,
GOP extremism
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