Yes, schadenfreude. But more importantly, the hypocrisy of the religious right, and all extreme moralists, is once against being exposed (no pun intended). From David Vitter paying hookers while signing onto legislation to "protect marriage," to Larry Craig being anti-gay while tapping his feet in men's rooms, to evangelical preachers who visit male masseurs with slippery fingers. And let's not even get started on anti-gay religious right leaders who set off gaydar ten miles away. It's not just that all of these people are moral hypocrites. It's looking as though their moral hypocrisy might even be the cause of their personal moral crusades. Are they so ashamed of themselves that they strike out at others?
Regardless, Miss California is not long for this crown. Though by continuing to use her as their spokesperson, the religious right does take a big step towards legitimizing soft porn, so it's not all bad.
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2nd racy photo of Miss California appears after she promised there were no more
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