Michael Oneal and Janet Hooks at The Chicago Tribune actually got that the teabagging events were GOP-led anti-Obama events. It was hard to miss as the talking point of the day from so many of the Republicans was that Obama is a fascist. And, I think the vitriol spewing from the teabaggers caught many reporters by surprise. The Tribune reporters also point out that this GOP strategy is risky (but, it's the only strategy they've got):
Across the country, Republicans and their conservative allies sought to ignite a grass-roots rebellion against President Barack Obama on Wednesday, staging scores of Tax Day "tea parties" to demand tax cuts, lower federal spending and smaller government.There isn't really an issue: Republicans are out of touch with the present-day reality. That's why Republican leaders like Michael Steele and Eric Cantor deny we're even in an economic crisis. That's why every House Republican and almost every Republican Senator voted against the stimulus bill. They don't think the economy is tanking. You'd think the statistics on unemployment and foreclosures would cause concern. But, facts don't matter to zealots. And, as we saw yesterday, hating Obama, not fixing the economy, is the GOP's top priority.
But the effort came with a risk: In the current economic crisis, with half a million or more jobs vanishing each month, many Americans seem less concerned about how much Washington deducts from their paychecks than whether they will have a paycheck at all.
"Nothing is as pressing a concern as the economy," said GOP pollster Whit Ayres, noting that even among Republicans the political salience of the tax issue is not what it once was.
At issue is whether the anti-tax, anti-government spending message makes Republicans seem out of touch with present-day reality.