Yes, this is the latest fabricated GOP controversy. Obama may, or may not, have bowed to the Saudi leader. This is a big deal, according to conservatives, especially according to former Bush White House officials. Apparently, Obama is somehow belittling America by bowing in courtesy to a foreign leader (and even though it's unspoken, I suspect it's a problem because the leader is an A-rab). Well, then how is it not belittling to America to have our president practically playing tonsil hockey with a foreign leader, and then walking around the garden, hand in hand, like they just exchanged school rings?
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against men in love, and in fact, it brings a tear to my eye that George Bush was willing to openly embrace his inner Lindsey. I just think that conservatives have some real chutzpah complaining about Obama bowing to the Saudis, when what Bush was letting the Saudis do to him wouldn't even qualify as safe sex.
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Why is Bush permitted to kiss a man, but Obama can't bow to one?
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