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TARP freeloaders continue to use handouts for lobbying

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These companies really are revolting. Is it asking too much for Timmy Geithner to at least borrow a spine from someone and put an end to this? They do not have the money to spend doing anything other than getting their books in order so quit using federal money to figure out how to screw the federal government in new ways.

Top recipients of federal bailout money spent more than $10 million on political lobbying in the first three months of this year, including aggressive efforts aimed at blocking executive pay limits and tougher financial regulations, according to newly filed disclosure records.

The biggest spenders among major firms in the group included General Motors, which spent nearly $1 million a month on lobbying, and Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase, which together spent more than $2.5 million in their efforts to sway lawmakers and Obama administration officials on a wide range of financial issues. In all, major bailout recipients have spent more than $22 million on lobbying in the six months since the government began doling out rescue funds, Senate disclosure records show.

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