Today, Iowa began implementing the Supreme Court decision that allowed same-sex couples to marry:
At least 219 same-sex couples have applied for marriage licenses in Iowa so far today, with the heaviest concentrations in Linn, Polk, Scott and Johnson counties, according to information collected by The Des Moines Register. The tally so far includes 20 out-of-state couples, according to a survey of county recorders. The Register is still gathering its data, but afternoon figures show that the greatest number of applications so far is in Polk County, which has logged 58. Johnson County has seen 40 applications so far, Scott County has seen 23, and 22 couples have applied for marriage licenses in Linn County. Today was the first day same-sex couples could since the April 3 Iowa Supreme Court opinion that struck down a state law that said marriage was only between a man and a woman.
gallery Photo gallery: Iowa begins issuing same-sex marriage licenses.