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Reports from the bizarro world of Teabaggers

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Probably not what the teabaggers wanted us to see, but here are a couple of reports from the teabagging events.

From Jed at DailyKos comes this gem of a FOX reporter who asks when you're all going "to wake up and start fighting the facism that seems to be permeating this country. Facism, the definition of it is big business and government getting in bed together":

Wait. FOX News is the prime example of big business (the Rupert Murdoch empire) and government (at least the Republican party) getting in bed together. According to this correspondent's definition, FOX News is facist. (Via Crooks and Liars, the wingnut reporter's name is Cody Willard, an anchor at FOX Business News.)

Also, one of our brave readers, Kim, ventured to the teabagging festivities here in DC and sent this report:

I had the day off, so I figured what better way to spend a rainy Wednesday afternoon than by attending the Washington DC Teabag rally in front of the White House. And, after about 20 minutes there, I figured out what they want.

They want, in no particular order:
To "teabag the D-bags"

An end to the IRS, the Fed and the SEC

No public officials who are members of secret societies.

An end to satanific (or satanirific and satanomic-I can't remember) Masons.

An end to Shylockean usury (I was going to point out that Bush was a member of a secret society at Yale until this one came up. I'm Jewish, so I figure it was best to keep my head down)

An answer as to why Obama flew to Denver to sign a piece of legislation if he cares about the environment so much (I surmise > this is because it required fuel to get there)

To see Obama's birth certificate.

An end to the council on foreign affairs. (relations?)

To know if you can feel the revolution, cause this must be what it felt like in 1776.

To throw the "bumbs" (thats a direct quote from a poster I saw there) out of Congress, including Clinton...
Plus, some lady was there holding a sign proclaiming her affinity for capitalism. Something, from the looks of her, that she loves only slightly less than her plastic surgeon. Some kid who was maybe 12 years old wants to know if you remember Jimmy Carter. And, a 4 year old just wanted to get out of the rain, or she was crying so loudly because her parents tax burden is just sooooo unbearable.

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