In 2005, Representative Thompson (D-MS, figures) was against far-right extremist domestic terrorism. But today, he apparently has a soft-spot for them. So whose side is Bennie Thompson on? Check the wind. From Plum Line:
A Democrat, Rep. Bennie Thompson, is now trying to grab some of the media attention on this story for himself, aggressively criticizing the Obama administration over the “right wing extremists” report, even though the controversy fomented by the right on this is largely bogus.I do hope if the media plans on continuing to interview Rep. Thompson about this matter, they plan on asking him why he called for investigations of such extremists only a few years ago. And the next time Timothy McVeigh evil twin decides to blow up a building, Bennie Thompson needs to be the first witness on the stand explaining why he didn't want our government keeping an eye on these extremists.
But it turns out that some time ago, Thompson himself aggressively called for the Department of Homeland Security to do much more to crack down on “right wing extremists.”