If they simply say a lie enough times, maybe someone will treat GOP lies as truth. It's happened before. (See "war, Iraq"). But this time, the lie is so preposterous, it shows a rather amazing amount of chutzpah, even for Republicans.
You see, we learned today from our Republican friends, including an adviser to George Bush (!), that President Barack Obama is the most polarizing president in American history!!!!! Even moreso than George Bush!!!!
What's next? That the man wasn't really born in Hawaii?
But yes, we have to write about this garbage, lest the traditional media start to repeat any of the lies, as they're wont to do. So here's the story....
PEW did a new poll. The poll showed that Republicans are refusing to embrace Obama as passionately as are Democrats (big surprise there). So what did Republicans do? They're now claiming that - OH MY GOD - Obama has polarized the nation! Democrat versus Republican! It's never been this way before! Until Obama became president we all loved each other, and we really really loved our president by the name of George Bush!!!!!!!!
Are these people freaking nuts? It was their president and their congress that so polarized the country over the past two decades. Many of us weren't even sure we recognized our country any more. Weren't even sure our country recognized us as citizens, let alone as human beings. After what the Republicans did, after what George Bush and his cohorts like Tom Delay did, after what FOX News did, to rip our country in two, to crap on our everything our flag stands for, to rip our Constitution in two, they've got some gall claiming that President Obama is somehow responsible for the fact that Democrats and Republicans hate each other's guts.
In fact, I overstate the case. Republicans hate. Democrats are far more charitable. Don't listen to me. What PEW found is that traditionally, Democrats are happy to give new Republican presidents a chance to prove themselves - a honeymoon, if you will. Republicans, on the other hand, are far less charitable, PEW found, and that's why so many Republicans are still not willing to embrace Obama - because they're mean-spirited, partisan zealots.
Interestingly, [PEW's] Dimock also said this phenomenon is partly caused by the recent tendency of Republicans to be less charitable towards new Presidents than Dems have been.So basically, they're asses, and that makes us the bad guys. It's a bit like extending your hand to a bully, he spits on you in response, and then run aways and tells the teacher that you were mean to him.
In contrast to the 27% of GOPers approving of Obama now, more than a third of Dems (36%) approved of George W. Bush at a comparable time in 2001. Before that, only 26% of Republicans approved of Bill Clinton at the same time in his presidency, while 41% of Dems approved of both George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan at comparable times.
As I've said before, they always accuse us of being what they are, of doing what they've done.