I'm told I'd referred to Alexi Giannoulias, who will be running for Obama's Senate seat in Illinois in two years, as a "nice Greek boy." It's something my yiayia (that's "grandma" for you Americans) would have said, trilling her Rs all the while, so it's entirely possible.I actually met Alexi at the Greek Independence Day event at the White House a few weeks ago (that's him, above, shaking Obama's hand), and he is a nice Greek boy. He's also a great politician, a good Democrat, and on his way to becoming the next Senator from Illinois (Cillizza at the Post is already calling Giannoulias the Democratic frontrunner in the race.) I hope you'll consider supporting Alexi's race by donating to his campaign via the box to the left.
From the Chicago Sun-Times:
He's still just at the "exploratory committee" stage, but Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias has already raised $1.1 million in the 28 days since he announced he was "exploring" a run for U.S. Senate.
He is eyeing the seat formerly held by his friend and basketball court partner, President Obama.
"It's actually unbelievable on two counts: The sum of $1.1 million, in and of itself, is unbelievable, but the fact that it's in the worst political fund-raising environment that, I think, any of us have ever seen, makes it all the more extraordinary and impressive," said political activist and fund-raiser Michael Bauer....
Giannoulias had hoped to raise half a million dollars after announcing his exploratory bid March 3 to make him appear the prohibitive favorite in next year's Democratic primary for the seat. The amount of contributions surpassed his expectations, he said.