I'm told I'd referred to Alexi Giannoulias, who will be running for Obama's Senate seat in Illinois in two years, as a "nice Greek boy." It's something my yiayia (that's "grandma" for you Americans) would have said, trilling her Rs all the while, so it's entirely possible.
I actually met Alexi at the Greek Independence Day event at the White House a few weeks ago (that's him, above, shaking Obama's hand), and he is a nice Greek boy. He's also a great politician, a good Democrat, and on his way to becoming the next Senator from Illinois (Cillizza at the Post is already calling Giannoulias the Democratic frontrunner in the race.) I hope you'll consider supporting Alexi's race by donating to his campaign via the box to the left.
From the Chicago Sun-Times:
He's still just at the "exploratory committee" stage, but Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias has already raised $1.1 million in the 28 days since he announced he was "exploring" a run for U.S. Senate.
He is eyeing the seat formerly held by his friend and basketball court partner, President Obama.
"It's actually unbelievable on two counts: The sum of $1.1 million, in and of itself, is unbelievable, but the fact that it's in the worst political fund-raising environment that, I think, any of us have ever seen, makes it all the more extraordinary and impressive," said political activist and fund-raiser Michael Bauer....
Giannoulias had hoped to raise half a million dollars after announcing his exploratory bid March 3 to make him appear the prohibitive favorite in next year's Democratic primary for the seat. The amount of contributions surpassed his expectations, he said.