Rex Wockner interviews Miss California about her claims that she lost the Miss USA contest because she doesn't support gay marriage.
On being gay being wrong:
Rex: And, I guess, last question: What would be so wrong with two women who love each other getting married?On how people become gay:
Carrie: What would be so wrong with two women that love each other?
Rex: What would be so wrong with that? Yeah.
Carrie: What don't you see wrong with that?
Rex: I don't see anything wrong with it.
Carrie: Why?
Rex: Um, some people are born gay, maybe, you think?I see Mensa in somebody's future.
Carrie: No, I don't think so.
Rex: OK, so now we're getting somewhere.
Carrie: I think it's a behavior that develops over time.
Rex: Why would someone choose it, given that if you choose that, you get discriminated against?
Carrie: Um, because obviously Perez Hilton doesn't think that there's anything wrong with it.
Rex: No, but if being gay is a choice, rather than something you're born with, why would you choose something that's going to lead to your being discriminated against? What would be the motivation?
Carrie: I'm not sure what the motivation would be.