Odd, but actually quite interesting, question from Jeff Zeleny of NYT. What surprised, troubled, enchanted, and humbled you most on taking the presidency. GREAT answers from Obama. This is actually very interesting.
Ed Henry: abortion. Do you hope that congress sends Freedom of Choice Act? Not my highest legislative priority. Yikes.
If America were under imminent threat would you then allow torture? O: Could we have gotten same info without these techniques, and are we safer as a result of these techniques? I will do whatever required to keep American people safe, but won't take shortcuts that undermine who we are.
Jake, torture, do you believe the previous admin sanctioned torture? O: Waterboarding is torture, violates our values. Brits during WWII had a few hundred detainees, still said "we don't torture." Even in the face of unimaginable risk and threat. You start taking shortcuts, it erodes the character of a country. We hold true to our ideals even when it's hard, not just when it's easy. Take recruitment tool away from Al Qaeda.
Obama's doing that "intelligent president" thing again, speaking in detail about the issues like a world leader. Strange that.
Deb Price - well-known lesbian journalist, but she's asking about the auto industry.
Should we close the border with Mexico, or quarantine? Cause for deep concern but not panic. Public health officials have not recommended a border closing - like closing barn door after horses got out, we already have cases here in the US.
He's damn presidential.
Lots of work to do, America will see a better day, rebuild a stronger nation, endure as a beacon.
Update on the 100 days. Tax cuts, health care, mortgages. Change direction of the nation's foreign policy. Begin to end war in Iraq. Forged new strategy to target Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Closed Gitmo, banned torture. Good start but just a start. Pleased what we've done, but I'm not satisfied. Credit not flowing, families touched by auto industry in trouble, deficits too high, govt not efficient enough. Going to work on health care reform, and clean energy revolution. Wall Street reform legislation by end of the year.
Gratified that House and Senate passed budget resolution today.
Schools where Swine Flu is spotted should consider temporarily closing. Obama has requested $1.5bn in emergency funding from Congress. Keep hands washed, cover mouth when cough, stay home from work when sick, keep your children home from school if they're sick.
It's on...
Joe is there, and twittering (or tweeting, if you prefer). His Twitter ID is joesudbay. Joe says he'll be sitting to Obama's right, two rows behind some woman in green. He'll be sending photos from his Blackberry, like this one of CNN's Ed Henry and ABC's Jake Tapper doing their broadcasts before the presser:
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Live-blogging Obama's press conference at 8pm Eastern
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