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Lead religious right groups oppose stimulus spending to save economy

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It's not terribly clear when the anti-gay/anti-Jewish bigots at the American Family Association, and their buddies at the oh-so-virile Family Research Council, became experts on fiscal policy. But since they're putting out action alerts opposing the government's stimulus spending, maybe it's time the media asked them if they're in favor of throwing America into another Great Depression? That is what the spending is meant to stop - us sinking into a Great Depression.

So if the bigots at the American Family Association and the Family Research Council are so upset about the spending Obama has had to propose in order to save the economy, the media should be asking them some tough economic questions about whether they prefer America go into another Great Depression, and whether, in the end, they simply exist to do the Republicans' bidding rather than God's. Or maybe they think Obama is overreacting?

Here is the Family Research Council's latest alert, obviously on behalf of the conservative Republican leaders in Congress:

It seems almost daily that the federal government launches yet another massive spending initiative. While it may be lost upon Washington bureaucrats that money for these projects doesn't just materialize from thin air, we Americans who have families, mortgages, car payments, tuition, and other expenses know differently. The money that Congress and the President seem to wield so nonchalantly comes from our pockets, our dreams, and our families.

Our friends at American Family Association are, along with other groups, helping to organize thousands of "TEA" (Taxed Enough Already) Parties across the country. I encourage you to visit the xxxxxx website and join the rallies happening in your area.

In a country such as ours where government, as described by Abraham Lincoln, is "of the people, by the people, for the people," we the people need to stand together to remind our officials not to use our families' hard-earned dollars so recklessly.

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